Meet Susan Lanham - Forensic Financial Analyst


Doctor of Philosophy in Business Administration
Specialization: Advanced Accounting
Northcentral University

Master of Business Administration
Specialization: International Business
Salem International University

Bachelor of Business Administration
Specialization: Finance and Business Law
Marshall University


Master Analyst in Financial Forensics (MAFF): National Association of Certified Valuators and Analysts
Certified Divorce Financial Analyst (CDFA): Institute for Divorce Financial Analysts


Qualified as an Expert in Forensic Economics via testimony in West Virginia State Court

8/14 - Present: Assistant Professor - Marshall University

Responsibilities included designing the content and curriculum for graduate and undergraduate level forensic accounting courses and conducting on campus lectures for forensic accounting and financial accounting students as well as preparing the course syllabus, teaching aids, exams, and other instructional support material.

8/12 - Present: Forensic Economist - Lanham Economics

Responsibilities include the formulation of economic loss analyses addressing damages in personal injury, wrongful death, wrongful termination, and criminal fraud actions. Other responsibilities include investment performance and rate of return computations as well as analyses of financial position, results of operations, and risk-based capital of defendants in bad faith litigation. Deposition and trial testimony is provided regarding the same.

12/13 - 6/14: Adjunct Professor - Southern New Hampshire University

Responsibilities include facilitating the instruction of graduate level forensic accounting students.

2/95 - 8/12: Forensic Economist - Selby, Epperly & Associates

Responsibilities include the formulation of economic loss analyses addressing damages in personal injury, wrongful death, and wrongful termination actions.

8/09 - 5/11: Adjunct Professor - Strayer University

Responsibilities included conducting weekly on campus four hour lectures for business students as well as preparing the course syllabus, teaching aids, exams, and other instructional support materials. Responsibilities also included facilitating online instruction to business students.


Member: National Association of Forensic Economics
Member: National Association of Certified Valuators and Analysts
Member: Association of Certified Fraud Examiners
Member: American Accounting Association
Member: Institute of Divorce Financial Analysts


Lanham, S. (2013). Risk-Based Capital Analysis in Punitive Damages Litigation. (Doctoral dissertation). ProQuest Dissertations and Theses.

Lanham, S. (2013). Determining Economic Damages in Personal Injury and Wrongful Death Cases. WV Record. V. VIII, No. XVI, p 7.

Lanham, S. (2014). Discounting Economic Damages to Present Day Value. NACVA QuickRead.

Lanham, S. & Barton, C. (2014). Risk-Based Capital Analysis in Punitive Damages Litigation. Journal of Forensic and Investigative Accounting, Vol. 7, Issue 1.


Risk-Based Capital Analysis in Punitive Damages Litigation. NorthCentral University Graduate Reception. 2013

Lanham Economics
PO Box 256
Scott Depot, WV 25560
Phone: 304.757.0094
Fax: 304.757.0095

Have Questions? Contact Susan Lanham at | P: 304.757.0094 | E:

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